Programme led by

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 123 St Stephens Green, Dublin 2, Ireland

Dr Diego Garaialde

Research Fellow
SFI Centre: Insight
UCD - University College Dublin

Domain / Application Expertise


Dr Diego Garaialde is a postdoctoral research fellow in UCD. He completed his PhD in the area of digital interface design for behaviour change, which has built on his previous work on using technology to promote engagement. His background includes a Psychology Undergraduate degree from DCU and a Cognitive Science Masters degree from UCD. His research interests include behaviour change, habits, and dual-processing views of decision making.

As a NeuroInsight Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, Dr Garaialde's research focus is to understand the circadian rhythm of cognition, particularly in terms of motivation to invoke deliberate mental effort. As medical shiftworkers routinely alter their circadian rhythms due to changing schedules, their ability to engage in deliberate mental effort may be negatively impacted, which has important consequences for the care delivered to patients. After understanding the cognitive impact of circadian disruption, Dr Garaialde will work with healthcare workers to support their in-the-moment decision-making through intelligent technology and interface design.

Research Keywords
Clinical Decision Support